On January 27, Radishboy was live streaming as he played Old School RuneScape when he heard the fire alarm go off. A few moments later, Radishboy decides to check it out to find out that his house had already caught fire. At that point, the streamer still found the time to let viewers know what was happening before calling 911 and never came back. It’s not clear what Radishboy saw when he left the room and where the fire started, but it’s evident that it was no small house fire. Unfortunately, you can no longer find the original VOD online, but you can check out this link here to see how everything unfolded. You can see from the clips how smoke completely engulfed his room in just ten minutes. For a long while, audiences did not know what happened to Radishboy, although some of his RuneScape friends did claim that they managed to get a hold of the streamer just as the fire was happening. According to his most recent tweet, Radishboy is alive and well. The same can’t be said for their home though. At the moment, Radishboy is asking for privacy as he and his family is “trying to salvage things now” after the fire department told him that they could no longer go back and live in the house again.

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